On Wednesday we drove from the Grand Canyon, to Zion National Park. We were staying at a campground in Kanab, about forty minutes from Zion. After we unhitched the Trailer we drove to Zion. It was a very beautiful drive, and there were lots of neat cliffs. When we arrived we took the shuttle to the Emerald Pool trailhead and hiked half a mile too a emerald pool. We then hiked another point eight miles on the grotto trail back to the Virgin river that carved Zion Canyon. After that we took the took the shuttle to the Narrows, which is a nine mile round trip hike, but instead of hiking on a trail you are hiking in the Virgin River. It was a one mile walk to the river and we only made it about .1 miles on the actual trail. then we took a shuttle to the visitors center (where our car was parked.) and went back to our campsite.

Zion Top 5!!!!!!
5,The shuttle.
4, Emerald pools.
3,Playing in the creek.
2, Looking at giant cliffs.
1,The Narrows.