After a good nights sleep on a real mattress, on a real bed, in the Foley-Murphy’s apartment, I ate a hearty breakfast of oatmeal bake, then everybody except for the moms walked down to the Foley-Murphy kid’s schoolyard to watch Jack (their almost 6 year old) play semi-organised soccer.
After hanging out at the soccer for an hour or so, the woman came, and the dads left to drop some things off at the apartment. After a few more minutes of playing, we walked to some big speed bike race, watched that for a little bit, then we got on a ferry to a park just under the Brooklyn Bridge. After ditching the men to get us food at a ‘Shake Shack’, we walked down to a playground and hung out there for a few minutes, until the men came back with the food. We then relocated to some steps near a carousel.
After eating a delicious lunch of hamburgers and fries, we rode the carousel, then we took a ferry across the river to Manhattan, this time to visit the World Trade Center, and the 9/11 memorial. We spent a couple of hours in that general area, then we parted ways, as we took 2 different trains. It was fun to see the Foley-Murphys, and New York.

Sounds like a full, fun day. I’m sure your mom was sad to tell Andrea good-bye. wish they could live closer, such a good family! Will look forward to pic.’s