Today we went to Clearwater beach, Which is one hour South from our campground. Clearwater beach is known to be one of the nicest beaches in Florida, and I can see why. It had very fine, white sand. Unfortunately, the weather was not great, about 65 degrees, with a bit of wind, but that could not stop us from getting in the water. I am proud to say that I was the first one in the water, but it was only because I had to save Elliot’s flip-flop, which my dad threw, and it started to drift farther from the shore. Everybody got in, except for my Mom, Lucia, and Rose. After playing in the water, we went on a walk down to a pier, just down the beach. After the pier, we spent ten minutes or so, watching kids jump on a bungee trampoline, which in my opinion were ten wasted minutes, I do not go to a beach to watch kids jump on a trampoline, but I guess that there is something for everybody. On the way back, coincidentally we ran into some family friends from Des Moines, and spent a few minutes chatting with them. We then packed up all of the junk that we brought to the beach, brought the junk to the car (on the way, we lended some paper towels to a woman, who was with her husband, and had tripped, getting a nasty cut on her forehead, that was bleeding everywhere). Then we went to the touristy shops by the coast, and walked around for the remainder of our time.

One word—-Burrrr! Who was that family? Did you plan to meat them?
Tomorrows the big Reagen arrival!
Where is your campground? I live in Waukee where your Grandma & grandpa Lies live but spend winters 1 hr. N. Of Tampa near Dade City
Hi, Mary,
The campground that we stayed at is in Hudson, FL. Below is a link to the website.
Sounds cold. I sure wouldn’t go into the water if it was only 65 degrees!! Even if my brothers shoes were needing to be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!