You may or may not have noticed, but February, 14 is Valentines Day. And Today is (or was) February, 14, therefore, it was also Valentines Day. We had a pretty normal day until the afternoon, when we went to La Mesilla, a famous historical part of Las Cruces, with some of the oldest buildings in New Mexico. We walked around the area for an hour or so, checking out some gift shops on the way. Then we ate dinner at a famous Mexican restaurant called La Posta de mesilla. The dinner was good, and we ate until we couldn’t eat any more. After dinner we drove to a mall in Las Cruces, and wasted time there, then we drove back to the RV.
It was a good day, except, I couldn’t have my yearly date with a Panera chicken noodle soup breadbowl due to the lack of a panera in Las Cruces.

Oh I feel for you not getting your Panera soup! Next time it will taste even better!
Oh by the way, I couldn’t live in a community that didn’t have a Panera!