Yesterday we drove down to Pacific Beach in San Diego. We rented surfboards and wet suits for the older five Lieslands, then dad, Mari, Elliot and I hit the water. It was immediately clear that the waves here are not close to as tame as the waves in Santa Cruz, I got knocked over by a couple three or so foot waves, then we all rode to the shore to have a meeting. After that, we went back into the water and rode a couple waves. After a few minutes in the water decided to take a short break, during which my Mom and Dad went into the water for a few minutes. After that, my dad stayed in the water, and Elliot and I joined him. We spent an hour or so in the water surfing, I was catching a fair amount of waves and the waves were definitely bigger than the ones in Santa Cruz. It was super amazing! We hope to go surfing one more time before we leave San Diego and head for Phoenix, Arizona.

So glad you got to surf again before leaving Ca. and maybe again. Missed you last night at our Christmas celebration!