My take on our Adventure so far

I know i just made a post on our adventure, but I feel as if I need a whole post to sum up how I feel about this trip so far.

As I said in the previous post i give this trip 9/10 stars which is pretty good but there is still room for improvement. Here are some things that i like about this trip so far.Going cool places,meeting interesting people from all over the country,hiking,I could go on and on,but I don’t want you to fall asleep on your computer. Things I don’t like about the trip so far, Living in such a small space,driving every weekend,not having full hookups at some campsites,terrible internet,being away from friends and family.

Sometimes it can be stressful, for instance last week our car was in the shop and some of us were stressed out and living in such a small space the stress spreads quickly. Sometimes I have to find a quiet place to read,write, draw, or whatever i want to do. Those are just the bad things which are just a fraction of the amount as the good things.

Overall, I really like RV living and would recommend it if you are thinking of doing it.

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