Just another Sunday in Palm Springs

Today we started of the day with Costco chocolate muffins, that is basically the best way to start your day. After eating our muffins we went to church. After church we  ate lunch. After lunch we went to the pool. After the pool we ate dinner. After  dinner I cleaned my bed. After bed cleaning I updated my blog after updating my blog I don’t know what I did because I am not phsycic.


1 thought on “Just another Sunday in Palm Springs”

  1. Yes, it is a bummer but a lesson in budgeting and not always doing and getting what you want. Glad you made it to church. Interesting how different parts of the country celebrate mass, although the basic part is the same, music etc. can vary. Can’t believe your good fortune to go to Disneyland free, do you realize how much tickets are? What a generous lady. God is good!

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