Today we went to Joshua Tree National Park. I were not sure what to expect due to the fact that I had never been there before, all I knew was that there was going to be a lot of Joshua trees. I was right about that! Apparently there are over 2.5 million in the national park! After driving for an hour to get to the ranger station, we talked to a ranger, then we drove a little longer to a 1 mile hike through a valley with lots of giant rocks. The best part of Joshua Tree was that you were allowed to climb on the rocks! We spent a lot of time climbing on giant rocks. After the 1 miler we went back to the car, ate lunch, then we went to our next destination. Our next destination was “Split Rock” Though we were not sure which rock we saw was the Split Rock. After climbing a bit more we went back to the car and drove back to the campground. Then we ate breakfast burritos.
One of the neat parts
of your adventure is you don’t know what’s around the next corner, literally speaking! Be sure and show us a pic. of a Joshua tree.