Yesterday we decided to take Camelback Mountain again, this time with Ian. My dad and the little girls stayed behind while the rest of us hiked to the top. Elliot, Ian, and I split up from my mom and Mari pretty early in the hike and made it up in pretty good time. It felt a bit easier the second time but I think that I felt that way because it was a bit less hot than last time. We were about to go back down, but then we saw that my mom and Mari were about to the top so we walked the 100 feet from where we met them back to the top. At the top somebody from a radio company asked if they could get our picture for their radio’s Facebook page. Then we went back down. Like the way up, Elliot, Ian, and I split up from the rest of the crew and basically jogged the rest of the way down. I hope to do the hike one more time before we leave. It may be my favorite hike of any we have done on the trip for hike quality, not scenery, considering it is smack dab in the middle of phoenix. Though it does offer beautiful areal views of Phoenix.
So nice you went again for Ian. What a challenge that climb is! Great guns, was Mari cheating a bit in that photo? Sad to say good-bye but you will soon meat again!